Learn by example

This page includes examples of varying length demonstrating correct & type-checked simfile library usage. You’re free to use these recipes & scripts as-is, modify them to suit your needs, or simply use them as a learning aid.


This section includes short snippets of code that demonstrate basic library usage. These recipes are in the public domain.

Get charts for one game mode

from typing import Iterator
from simfile.types import Chart

# Imperative version
def charts_for_stepstype(charts, stepstype='dance-single') -> Iterator[Chart]:
    for chart in charts:
        if chart.stepstype == stepstype:
            yield chart

# One-liner version
def charts_for_stepstype(charts, stepstype='dance-single') -> Iterator[Chart]:
    yield from filter(lambda chart: chart.stepstype == stepstype, charts)

Get the hardest chart

from typing import Optional, Sequence
from simfile.types import Chart

# Imperative version
def get_hardest_chart(charts) -> Optional[Chart]:
    hardest_chart: Optional[Chart] = None
    hardest_meter: Optional[int] = None

    for chart in charts:
        # Remember to convert `meter` to an integer for comparisons
        meter = int(chart.meter or "1")
        if hardest_meter is None or meter > hardest_meter:
            hardest_chart = chart
            hardest_meter = meter

    return hardest_chart

# One-liner version
def get_hardest_chart(charts: Sequence[Chart]) -> Optional[Chart]:
    return max(
        key=lambda chart: int(chart.meter or "1"),

Mirror a chart’s notes

from typing import Iterator
from simfile.types import Chart
from simfile.notes import Note, NoteData

def mirror_note(note: Note, columns: int) -> Note:
    # Make a new Note with all fields the same except for column
    return note._replace(
        # You could replace this expression with anything you want
        column=columns - note.column - 1

def mirror_notes(notedata: NoteData) -> Iterator[Note]:
    columns = notedata.columns
    for note in notedata:
        yield mirror_note(note, columns)

def mirror_chart_in_place(chart: Chart) -> None:
    notedata = NoteData(chart)
    mirrored = NoteData.from_notes(
    # Assign str(NoteData) to Chart.notes to update the chart's notes
    chart.notes = str(mirrored)

Remove all but one chart from a simfile

from typing import Optional
from simfile.types import Chart, Charts, Simfile

# When you have multiple parameters of the same type (str in this case),
# it's good practice to use a * pseudo-argument to require them to be named
def find_chart(charts: Charts, *, stepstype: str, difficulty: str) -> Optional[Chart]:
    for chart in charts:
        if chart.stepstype == stepstype and chart.difficulty == difficulty:
            return chart

def remove_other_charts(sf: Simfile, *, stepstype='dance-single', difficulty='Challenge'):
    the_chart = find_chart(sf.charts, stepstype=stepstype, difficulty=difficulty)
    if the_chart:
        # Replace the simfile's charts with a list of one
        sf.charts = [the_chart]  # type: ignore
        # You could alternatively raise an exception, pick a different chart,
        # set sf.charts to an empty list, etc.
        print(f"No {stepstype} {difficulty} chart found for {repr(sf)}")

Full scripts

This section includes complete, ready-to-use scripts that automate repetitive tasks on simfile packs. These scripts are licensed under the MIT License, the same license as the simfile library itself.


Add or subtract the standard ITG sync bias (9 milliseconds)
to all of the sync offsets in a pack.

This script updates the offsets of both SM and SSC simfiles,
including any SSC charts with their own timing data.

If you actually intend to use this script in practice,
you may want to keep track of which packs you've already adjusted
using a text file in each pack directory or some other system.

Usage examples:

    # Convert a pack from "null sync" to "ITG sync"
    python change_sync_bias.py +9 "C:\StepMania\Songs\My Pack"

    # Convert a pack from "ITG sync" to "null sync"
    python change_sync_bias.py -9 "C:\StepMania\Songs\My Pack"
import argparse
from decimal import Decimal
import sys
from typing import Union

import simfile
import simfile.dir

class ChangeSyncBiasArgs:
    """Stores the command-line arguments for this script."""

    pack: str
    itg_to_null: bool
    null_to_itg: bool

def argparser():
    """Get an ArgumentParser instance for this command-line script."""
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prefix_chars="-+")
    parser.add_argument("pack", type=str, help="path to the pack to modify")
    group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True)
        "-9", "--itg-to-null", action="store_true", help="subtract 9ms from offsets"
        "+9", "--null-to-itg", action="store_true", help="add 9ms to offsets"
    return parser

def adjust_offset(
    obj: Union[simfile.types.Simfile, simfile.ssc.SSCChart],
    delta: Decimal,
    """Add the delta to the simfile or SSC chart's offset, if present."""
    if obj.offset is not None:
        obj.offset = str(Decimal(obj.offset) + delta)

def change_sync_bias(simfile_path: str, args: ChangeSyncBiasArgs):
    Add or subtract 9 milliseconds to the simfile's offset,
    as well as any SSC charts with their own timing data.

    This saves the updated simfile to its original location
    and writes a backup copy with a ~ appended to the filename.
    # Map the +9 or -9 arg to the actual offset delta.
    # We don't have to check both itg_to_null and null_to_itg
    # because the mutually exclusive & required argument group
    # ensures that exactly one of them will be True.
    delta = Decimal("-0.009" if args.itg_to_null else "+0.009")

    # You could specify output_filename here to write the updated file elsewhere
    with simfile.mutate(
    ) as sf:
        print(f"Processing {simfile_path}")

        # Always adjust the simfile's offset
        adjust_offset(sf, delta)

        # Additionally try to adjust SSC charts' offsets.
        # This won't do anything unless the chart has its own timing data.
        if isinstance(sf, simfile.ssc.SSCSimfile):
            for chart in sf.charts:
                adjust_offset(chart, delta)

def main(argv):
    # Parse command-line arguments
    args = argparser().parse_args(argv[1:], namespace=ChangeSyncBiasArgs())

    # Iterate over SimfileDirectory objects from the pack
    # so that we can easily get the .sm and/or .ssc paths
    for simfile_dir in simfile.dir.SimfilePack(args.pack).simfile_dirs():

        # Try to update whichever formats exist
        for simfile_path in [simfile_dir.sm_path, simfile_dir.ssc_path]:
            if simfile_path:
                change_sync_bias(simfile_path, args)

if __name__ == "__main__":


Change the title of every simfile in a pack
so that they are sorted by difficulty in StepMania.

This script finds the hardest chart of a given stepstype (dance-single by default)
and puts its meter (difficulty number) between brackets at the start of the title
and titletranslit.

Usage examples:

    # Sort a pack by difficulty
    python sort_by_difficulty.py "C:\StepMania\Songs\My Pack"

    # Unsort by difficulty (remove the title prefixes)
    python sort_by_difficulty.py -r "C:\StepMania\Songs\My Pack"

    # Customize stepstype and digits
    python sort_by_difficulty.py -s dance-double -d 3 "C:\StepMania\My Pack"
import argparse
import sys
from typing import Optional, Sequence

import simfile
import simfile.dir

class SortByDifficultyArgs:
    """Stores the command-line arguments for this script."""

    pack: str
    stepstype: str
    digits: int
    remove: bool

def argparser():
    """Get an ArgumentParser instance for this command-line script."""
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument("pack", type=str, help="path to the pack to modify")
    parser.add_argument("-s", "--stepstype", type=str, default="dance-single")
        help="minimum digits (will add leading zeroes)",
        help="remove meter prefix",
    return parser

def hardest_chart(
    charts: Sequence[simfile.types.Chart], stepstype: str
) -> Optional[simfile.types.Chart]:
    Find & return the hardest chart (numerically) of a given stepstype.

    Returns None if there are no charts matching the stepstype.
    return max(
        [c for c in charts if c.stepstype == stepstype],
        key=lambda c: int(c.meter or "1"),

def prefix_title_with_meter(simfile_path: str, args: SortByDifficultyArgs):
    Add (or remove) a numeric prefix to the simfile's title and titletranslit.

    This saves the updated simfile to its original location
    and writes a backup copy with a ~ appended to the filename.
    # You could specify output_filename here to write the updated file elsewhere
    with simfile.mutate(
    ) as sf:
        print(f"Processing {simfile_path}")

        # It's very unlikely for the title property to be blank or missing.
        # This is mostly to satisfy type-checkers.
        current_title = sf.title or ""
        current_titletranslit = sf.titletranslit or ""

        if args.remove:
            def remove_starting_brackets(current_text: str) -> str:
                If current_text has a bracketed number at the start of the text, remove it and return it
                Otherwise, return current_text unchanged.
                # Look for a number in brackets at the start of the text
                if current_text.startswith("["):
                    open_bracket_index = current_text.find("[")
                    close_bracket_index = current_text.find("]")
                    bracketed_text = current_text[
                        open_bracket_index + 1 : close_bracket_index
                    if bracketed_text.isnumeric():
                        # Remove the bracketed number from the text
                        return current_title[close_bracket_index + 1 :].lstrip(" ")
                return current_title
            sf.title = remove_starting_brackets(sf.title)
            sf.titletranslit = remove_starting_brackets(sf.titletranslit)
            # Find the hardest chart (numerically) within a stepstype
            # and use it to prefix the title
            chart = hardest_chart(sf.charts, args.stepstype)

            # Skip this simfile if there were no charts for the stepstype.
            # Nothing will be written to disk in this case.
            if not chart:
                raise simfile.CancelMutation

            # It's very unlikely for the meter property to be blank or missing.
            # This is mostly to satisfy type-checkers.
            meter = chart.meter or "1"

            # Put the meter at the start of the title,
            # filling in leading zeros per arguments
            sf.title = f"[{meter.zfill(args.digits)}] {current_title}"
            sf.titletranslit = f"[{meter.zfill(args.digits)}] {current_titletranslit}"

def main(argv):
    # Parse command-line arguments
    args = argparser().parse_args(argv[1:], namespace=SortByDifficultyArgs())

    # Iterate over SimfileDirectory objects from the pack
    # so that we can easily get the .sm and/or .ssc paths
    for simfile_dir in simfile.dir.SimfilePack(args.pack).simfile_dirs():

        # Try to update whichever formats exist
        for simfile_path in [simfile_dir.sm_path, simfile_dir.ssc_path]:
            if simfile_path:
                prefix_title_with_meter(simfile_path, args)

if __name__ == "__main__":